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Night Sky with Stars


by Akal Pritam

Welcome to my unique system for personal inner-standing to consciously clear conditioning that may limit personal self-expression. This work is an invitation to live the beauty way and flow with an allowing towards embodiment of your unique creative joy and wisdom love.


Opalyon by Akal Pritam 

Through astrological calculations prior to your birth, based upon the planets' positions within constellations of the visible sky, I illuminate the truth and beauty of your essential nature that is imprinted upon your Ajna Centre's Design Crystal.

The light of your essential, true nature often lies just beneath your conscious awareness as the mind's Personality Crystal imprinted at birth can limit awareness of one's deeper potential and genius.

It is more common to explore one's personality, yet going deeper into soulful truth offers wonderful insights that can assist in making beneficial choices towards personal thriving.

From your natal data I reveal which of the 72 portals of the OPALYON mandala are connected to your unique Design Crystal. With the light of this awareness you can work to integrate your totality and activate your own crystalline energy for self-empowerment and liberation.

The 72 unique archetypes and gifts within the OPLAYON Mandala offer 8 more insights than the traditional system of the I CHING. Each of the 72 OPALYON Portals help to open one's psyche and energetic field to evolutionary change and facilitate release from the wheel of repeating cycles.

The information within this report is completely different to readings based upon astrological influences and conditioning fields that imprint you at birth.

The intention with this work is to give you a deep inner-standing and appreciation of your own potential so you may improve all relationships and experiences ~ especially the relationship and experience you have with yourself.


The OPALYON Report and Mandala includes:

A summary of the optimal environments for your life and career, and the most personally appropriate approach towards harmonious interpersonal relationships and thriving in this ever-changing world.


The OPLAYON Portals included in the report;

Inner Sun~Your unique radiance

Inner Earth~Your evolutionary purpose

Inner South Node~Foundation of your wisdom

Inner North Node~Application of your wisdom ​

Inner Moon~Your alluring attraction

Inner Mercury~Your earth song

Inner Venus~Your beauty beneath the surface

Inner Mars~Your romantic gestures

Inner Jupiter~Your confident development

Inner Saturn~Your release from suffering

Inner Uranus~Your unique eccentricity

Inner Pluto~Your secret garden

Inner Neptune~Triumphant surrender 

Ascendant~Your evolutionary aspirations 


There are two offerings for OPALYON Reports: Personalised mandala and detailed report only


Personalised mandala and detailed report with a 1 hour online or in person meeting.

Please use the relevant form below for your booking.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send your enquiry using the button below.


Thank you!​






by Akal Pritam

Personalised mandala and detailed report

Please add your birth details

OPALYON by Akal Pritam


by Akal Pritam

Personalised mandala and detailed report with 1 hour online or in person meeting

Please add your birth details

OPALYON by Akal Pritam

Once your report and mandala are ready Akal Pritam will be in touch via email to organise a meeting, either via zoom or in person.

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