Book review
Creating Paradise takes you on the most beautiful inner journey into the world of love and joy in its truest form. I was swept away with the artwork, suggested music tracks throughout, journal prompts, and the perfection in its heartfelt message, one which is incredibly important as we enter the age of Aquarius. This is a story about true personal transformation and a reminder of our perfection, beauty, and light.
Creating Paradise is a book you can 'dip in and out of' as you wish, or read from cover to cover. There is a message within every page, including each meticulously crafted image which I found teleported me to New Earth.
Like Akal’s other creations, I will return to this book repeatedly, revelling in its wisdom and vibrance. I have so much gratitude for this sacred work of art which expresses just how close we all are to our internal and external paradise. As Akal shares, 'Respect your unique divinity. Your refined sensibility leads to paradise'
Michelle Curtis

Book review
This book contains short stories and poems against a backdrop of gorgeous illustrations and invites the reader on an inward journey to co-create a life of bliss and joy. With the support of journaling exercises there is a possibility to explore one's own dream world, with suggestions for companion music to deepen the experience. Stories throughout the book are spiced with mythology and magical realism, and introduce several characters to identify, and make friends with, as the story-line progresses. New possible archetypes currently rising on earth are described which spur internal inquiry to understand new levels of human consciousness. This is a truly beautiful book to help create your own joyful paradise of love.
Pia Tohveri, PhD, Librarian

They always knew in their hearts they were made for bliss and no could convince them otherwise.

Book review
This whole book is a warm and welcoming journey into the vast beauty of Gaia, dreamscape stories, archetypes, art and music.
We are guided by Akal to let go of any past fearful, dark stories and open ourselves up to our limitless potential and ability to create a life of bliss, love and joy.
The artwork is sublime. Indeed the illustrations and colours that radiate from each page are of such high vibration and frequency that to pause, view and absorb their energy is healing beyond measure.
The book is a unique and multilayered experience rich with poetic streams of guidance. There are multiple layers to Creating Paradise. The mystical dreamscapes, spiritual wisdom, expansive belief that we are each capable of moving forward into the Aquarian Age with full faith of our worthiness and ability to live life as our true self is powerful. The music and mantras available to download in each chapter amplify the experience of reading the book and deepening our process of uncovering our own authentic and unique path to paradise.
Akal recommends that we keep a personal journal while progressing through her book. There are prompts in each chapter to participate in various creative exercises, music, movement, excursions into nature and other activities that deepen our level of growth and form clarity in our vision to enter into our own personal Paradise. All the while the soothing voice of Akal Pritam can be heard and felt as she offers us hope for the future and in our present lives.
I highly recommend this beautiful book. Since completing the book I have felt inspired to venture into new experiences such as Qigong and to live my dharma with courage and openness to new possibilities.
Mish Sand